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 Meet CIC's CEO and SEL Skills Trainer, Jaclyn Shaw ...

Educational Background:
Currently pursuing BCBA coursework at UCSB
Masters in Psychology: U
Bachelors in Psychology: Wagner College

Worked as a supervised mental health counselor for 5 years, a behavior intervention specialist for 9 years, and a CBT practitioner and life skills coach for the past 15 years. 

Child Therapist in Staten Island

Jaclyn Shaw's store, Cultivating Independence in All Children, holds 100s of downloadable activities and toolkits for fun and interactive sessions. As a master-level behavior therapist, Jaclyn's experience ranges from neurotypical children to supported persons with ID or autism. Her weekly social skills acquisition groups are tailored for individuals with ID, TBI, or autism - utilizing precision teaching methods to enhance communication fluency, engagement, self-awareness, empathy, and socialization skills. Skill acquisition programs generally span 3-6 months.

   Book A Weekly Social Skills Group Online ...


What days and times are they held? 
Groups are held on Wednesday evenings at 5 PM or 6:15 PM. 

Where at you located? 
Jaclyn hosts groups online via the ZOOM platform.
Once you sign up, you will be given the official entrance link.

What does a group session consist of? 
Each person who signs up for the 3-month or 6-month package will have a chance to tailor their acquisition goals to the group setting. No two clients have similar personal goals in the group. Some shared areas that Jaclyn will be scoring each session are fluency (rate of words, speaking pace, and speaker/listener rhythm), social appropriateness, self-expression, peer likeability, and advocacy skills. These weekly scores will be emailed to each guardian, sponsor, or parent of the client. 

How many clients will be in each group? What age groups? 
Jaclyn caps her groups off at ten clients per group, as she finds this number creates natural engagement and participation at optimal levels. It is recommended that parents and guardians reach out to Jaclyn as soon as possible before her two groups reach the max. If you do not make the deadline, The next opportunity to sign up will be in November 2023. All clients legible for the group must be ages 13 and up. 

How much are weekly group sessions?
Group sessions are $30 per session, which would equal $120 - $150 per month, depending on how many weeks are in the month. Clients are required to pay for a bundle of sessions ahead of time. The following rotation of sessions will begin in May 2023. 

Booking group sessions for Only May 2023 costs $150 for the month. 
Booking group sessions for May - July 2023 costs $390 for 3 months.
Booking group sessions for May - October 2023 costs $780 for 6 months.

How do I reserve a spot for my child?

Use the consultation form below, and be sure to specify the skills you would like your child or loved one to develop. Jaclyn will respond and schedule a consultation call to be sure that your child or loved one is a good fit for the group. Once you are approved, Jaclyn will give you a consent form and further directions about purchasing a package. Spaces will not be reserved until the package is officially purchased. 

What are some techniques that will be used in the group?

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  • Timed Acquisition

  • Intraverbal Skills 

  • Greeting Skills

  • Confidence/ Posture

  • Initiating Conversations

  • Verbal Fluency

  • Interactive SEL Workbooks

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Impulse Control 

  • Tone and Energy

  • Verbal Boundaries

  • Emotional Boundaries

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

  • Mindfulness

  • Impulse Control

  • Group Collaboration

  • Resolving Conflicts

    Book a Social Skills Group Consultation

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Cultivating Independence in All Children © 2023

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